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Laser Safety Officer

Online training

This 15 hours laser safety officer training course is divided into 5 sessions of 3 hours spread over 5 days to ensure your regular daily responsibilities.

(+30min will be reserved at the end of each class for specific questions and discussions.)

This training is focused on understanding the health risks involved in working with lasers and learning to overcome these problems using technical, regulatory, and normative tools.

In many jurisdictions, businesses that include lasers in their work environment are required to train their employees in related health and safety issues.

The role of a laser safety officer requires an understanding of the physics related to lasers as well as an ability to assess risks and set up the best protection methods adapted to the actual use context.

The training is aimed particularly at safety officers in industrial sites and laboratories, researchers and occupational physicians.

The training broaches the following topics:

  • Explanation of the way a laser operates. Difference between coherent and incoherent light. Description of various laser architectures.
  • Reviews of optics and radiometry
  • Description of the light/biological tissue interaction mechanisms. Potential injuries due to exposure to a laser beam (eyes, skin).
  • Description of the related risks associated with lasers
  • Overview of the Canadian regulatory system and the normative environment
  • Description of the laser classification system and the criteria behind the classification
  • Detailed study of laser use standards
  • Explanation of protection methods, including examples of working methods and laser safety policies
  • Examples of calculations covering several laser types and exposure scenarios depending on laser class, as well as the choice of protective equipment.
  • Case study for laser installation

Provisional registration form

Registration closed.

Training hours

Coming soon.


CA$1650 for the first participant

CA$1300 for the following

Payable before the course by electronic payment (Square) – we will contact you for the payment.


Mathematics (Secondary level) : Trigonometry, Exponents, Logarithms

Upcoming registrations

Register to be aware on our upcoming training dates.

Register here

Cancellation policy

If you cancel your registration 14 days or more before the start of training, you will get a full refund. If you cancel 13 days or less before the start date, you will be charged a $300 fee.


We reserve the right to cancel the training at any time. If Optech cancels, you will get a full refund.

