Dental Wings / Optics for Dental Clinics

Dental Wings develops digital technology solutions for dental laboratories and clinics. In 2013, following the award of an Applied Research Tools and Instruments (OIRA) grant, Optech acquired specialized equipment for the microassembly of optical components, enabling Dental Wings to carry out cutting-edge expertise projects.

These acquisitions have enabled Optech to set up a specialized optical microsystems laboratory. This laboratory reproduces industrial manufacturing conditions by automating microfabrication, microassembly and quality control methods.

“The establishment of a specialized optical component microassembly laboratory at Optech has enabled Dental Wings to carry out several projects requiring cutting-edge expertise as well as a fleet of equipment enabling the design and implementation of assembly processes for high-performance optical microsystems. Without local access to these skills and equipment, we would certainly have had to subcontract more of our development outside Canada.”

– Jean-Marc Perot, CTO, Dental Wings

Over the past few years, Optech has carried out a number of optical microassembly projects in various sectors requiring high-precision optical elements. In the biomedical sector, integrating micro-optical devices into an assembly requires very tight assembly tolerances and the development of reliable, traceable processes that can be scaled up to industrial production.

Prix Synergie pour Collèges